jeudi 12 mars 2015

Why is writing important?

If you hate books, writing, and everything in between, don't go just yet because I'm not talking about writing a novel or a short story.
I'm talking about The importance of writing.
Now, unless you're a supercomputer unable to feel anything, you've probably already experienced what we call an emotion. A feeling, a sense that you are changing in some way.
You get home from school and your parents ask that you have to do all your homework + do the dishes before you can watch your favorite series. You have a big crush on a guy/girl at school and you find out he/she's dating someone else. OR your best friend invites you to a sleepover or to play video games all night long.
Different kinds of emotions, but they all have the same effect. They 
change who you are. 
At least for a short period of time.
They change the way you think and behave. And most importantly, they change your future.
So what does that have to do with writing?
Writing is known to be a very easy way to get your feelings out and be done with them.
Ever wrote an angry letter to a frienemy or to a sibling you can't stand?
I'm not talking about a letter that you'll send to the person and then get grounded or expelled from school. What I'm talking about here is a way to express everything you're keeping inside. 
Anger. Angst. Fear. Joy. Excitement. Stress. etc.
All of this can be expressed either in words--or sometimes you're too pissed off and you can't even put words on your emotions so you can draw a big and scary circle or lightning bolt. Whatever works for you, really.

Now, how will writing or drawing what you feel 
Have you ever felt like you had no one to talk to? Like nobody would understand what you're going through?
Well, that piece of paper won't ever judge you. And the best part is that it'll never tell anyone what you just wrote or drew.
And believe me, you'll 
feel much better after. 

You don't believe me, do you?

Try it! It's 100% free and you'll soon realize that the unwelcome emotions like fear and angst won't last as long as before. It's simply because you express it, which in turn makes you feel better. 

See? You don't need to be a writer to write. You simply need a little courage and the need to feel good about yourself.

**P.S. Writing with music is even better. Change the soundtrack so it matches your emotion. Then, you might need more than one piece of paper!

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